The newest participant on our team in 2022, Kevelly is a strong believer in loving one’s body.
Read her interview here in Spanish or English.

There is a huge movement building in the world right now where women everywhere are putting their foot down to say that their body hair is a desired, integral part of a healthy body, and I’ll keep it where and when I want to, end of story.
Ennis has been self-expressed on her social media channels candidly bearing the hair on her arms as anyone would who is completely confident in their body. With such a striking appearance of arm hair, we knew that Ennis would have an impact on the self-esteem of many other women who have hairy arms.
Check out our in-depth interview with Ennis in English and Español
We look forward to adding more of Ennis’ unique style to our project in the time to come.
Project WWHA is proud to be a part of the movement and want to thank all of the women who STEP FORWARD in confidence about their body hair to participate in this project. It is women such as yourselves that are paving the road for future generations to see body hair as normal.
Stepping Forward is our feature that celebrates women who have stepped forward and reached out to Project WWHA in search of participating with our body hair-positive mandate.

Stepping Forward is our feature that celebrates women who have stepped forward and reached out to Project WWHA in search of participating with our body hair-positive mandate.
You can download the images from this gallery and support our project at this link

In 2017 Alison was dreaming of becoming a model but didn’t know whether the hair on her arms would hold her back.
You can download the images from this gallery and support our project at this link.

Determined to be herself, she boldly sent us an email wondering if it would be possible to model for the project. A few months later, we did this studio session with Alison in New York City.
You can download the images from this gallery and support our project at this link.

We’re passionate about supporting models and would-be models who are body hair positive and who are dedicated to furthering the normalization of body hair in the media. Thanks Alison, we can’t wait to work with you again.
Download all the images from this gallery and support our project at this link.