[video] Daniela5 & Xochitl video Feb 23 2020

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[video] Daniela5 & Xochitl video Feb 23 2020


This video is in SPANISH. A transcript has been provided below in English.
Please note this video will be posted on our instagram story in low resolution in the near future, however this download is the only way to access the high resolution version.

Resolution: 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high
Duration: 1:40
File type: .mov (download VLC Media Player free here if you cannot open the file in Windows)
File size: 101MB

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While we love it when people are empowered about this topic, our work is subject to copyright and may not be posted or transmitted on the internet without our consent!

-Hello I'm Daniela

-I"m Xochitl

-and well we have been working for a long time, many years!

-for the project!, it's very interesting and very proactive

-is about hairs, basically we are very hairy and it's cool and we love it

-its a way, well not a way, is something that represents us and it's a part of ourselves and we feel very confident and proud like that

-It's natural I mean not everything is like that, however I super like it and I have never felt bad about people telling me that I'm very hairy or thinks like this and have they ever told you anything?

-well no, in fact all the opposite, sometimes they compliment on them and I'm like oh how cool! I have always liked to have them like this

-have you ever removed them?

-no, never

-me neither

-imagine! I don't see myself without them they are part of me they are like natural-casual I mean it does not affect me, all the opposite, and besides, they are very similar they are like long and very cool

-retaking the project subject, we inclined to do it because it's part of feeling ourselves proud and how we feel about it, and for the project to transcend and help to encourages other girls that feel kind of uncomfortable and for them to see that people could be like this and there's nothing wrong with it and is totally beautiful and natural and it' right.



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